In this Newsletter
Upcoming Events
No School, March 6 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
After School Registration - Friday, Mar 7, 10 am
PS 154 Auction - Mon, Mar 10 - Wed, Mar 19
Spirit Day: Pi Day, Fri, Mar 14
PS 154 Nets Game - Sun, Mar 16, 6 pm, Barclays Center
Spirit Day: St. Patrick’s Day - Mon, Mar 17
The Talk, Sex Ed 2.0: A Workshop for Parents - Tues, Mar 18, 6:30-8 pm, MMR
PTA General Meeting - Fri, Mar 21, 8:30 am MMR
Spirit Day: Silly Hair Day - Wed, Mar 25
No School, Eid al-Fitr, March 31
A Note from Principal Fitzgerald
📢📢 ONE WEEK TO GO - We need your Auction Items!📢📢
Annual Bookmark Contest - Now through Mar 14th
The Talk, Sex Ed 2.0: A Workshop for Parents
Book Market Update
Fifth Grade News
A Note from Principal Fitzgerald
Dear Families,
As we begin the holy month of Ramadan, we extend our warmest wishes to all of our students, staff, and families who are observing this sacred time. Ramadan is a period of reflection, prayer, fasting, and community, and we recognize the significance of this time for many within our school community. We encourage everyone to support one another with kindness and respect, and we wish a peaceful and blessed Ramadan to all who are observing. If your child will be fasting during this time please let us know so we can support them.
As we wrap up a month of celebrating Black History, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible work our students and families have done in learning about and honoring the achievements of Black Americans throughout history. From the youngest learners in Kindergarten to our graduating fifth graders, each class focused on a trailblazer whose contributions have shaped our world:
Kindergarten students explored the life and achievements of Garrett Morgan, whose inventions in safety and traffic control continue to impact us today.
First grade dove into the innovations of George Washington Carver, learning about his pioneering work in sustainable agriculture.
Second grade was introduced to Sister Rosetta Tharpe, whose gospel and rock & roll fusion influenced generations of musicians.
Third grade explored the life of Marie Van Brittan Brown, whose invention of the home security system brought greater safety to communities.
Fourth grade celebrated the art and legacy of Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose powerful works continue to inspire and challenge contemporary artists.
Fifth grade focused on Augusta Savage, whose sculptures elevated African American culture and advocated for inclusion in the art world.
Throughout the month, our students also had the chance to visit our Black History Month bulletin boards, deepening their understanding of different individuals and topics related to Black History. We were especially lucky to have Jacqueline Cran, author of Being Different is the New Cool, visit our school this week to share her insights and message of self-empowerment with our students. Thank you so much to all the parent volunteers who joined the Black History Month steering committee and made these opportunities possible. From organizing logistics to putting up bulletin boards your support made this a wonderful experience for students and families alike.
As we look ahead, we invite families who might be interested in helping plan and celebrate other heritage months such as Jewish Heritage Month, Arab American Heritage Month, AAPI Month, Women’s History Month, Autism Awareness Month, or Pride Month to reach out to us. Your involvement helps make our school a richer, more inclusive space for all.
A few important reminders:
Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 6th. You should have already received a sign-up post via ParentSquare.
Student Middle of Year Screener Family Reports will be sent home Wednesday, ahead of conferences. These reports will provide both achievement and growth data. Please remember that these reports reflect a snapshot of your child's learning on one specific day and do not capture the full scope of their progress. For students with high achievement, it’s important to note that growth can sometimes be harder to measure, as the screener is nationally normed, and not all states teach content at the same pace. If you have any concerns, please bring them to the Parent-Teacher Conferences, or feel free to follow up with school leadership.
Class Size Funding Update: We have not been told if we will receive this funding for next year or not. We were told that we would hear by the end of February, however, no updates were shared last week. We will be sure to update the community as soon as we have news.
Lastly, we are excited to introduce ST Math, a new math software program that will be available to all students. This interactive tool is a great support for students with a variety of learning needs and offers challenges for those seeking additional enrichment. In the upcoming March PTA meeting, we will share more about how this tool will align with our upcoming shifts in math instruction as we prepare to implement a new math curriculum next year. We hope you will join us!
Thank you for your continued partnership in making Windsor Terrace Elementary School a place of growth, inclusivity, and discovery.
📢📢 ONE WEEK TO GO - We need your Auction Items!📢📢
Calling all our last-minute people! There is just one week to go before this year’s PTA auction goes live. If you have been waiting to donate an item or call in a favor - this is the moment to do so!
We need volunteers! No matter how much or how little time you have, there’s a role for you. We need people to:
Contact prior business/parent donors
Identify and/or reach out to potential new business donors by email or by walking around and speaking with (friendly!) neighborhood businesses.
Help with communications
We need donations! Are you willing to donate an item or experience for a silent auction? Examples include a gift card to a local business, tickets to a game or show, or a stay in your vacation home — just to name a few. Ask a friend, too! Or, please pass on a name or idea using the form below, and we can get in touch.
Please fill out this short form to let us know you’re willing to volunteer or donate. You can also email Auctions & Sponsorships Chair Judd Gartenberg (
Annual Bookmark Contest - Now through Mar 14th
The annual bookmark design contest is on now! If you did not receive a template in your homework folders, we have attached one here. All entries are due on or before March 14th. Please send them to school in homework folders.
One winner will be chosen from each grade, and every child in the grade will receive a copy of the winning bookmark. All entries will be on display in the MMR.
Please check the flyer for all other details. We can’t wait to see what these kids come up with!
The Talk, Sex Ed 2.0: A Workshop for Parents
The PTA will once again host Rachel Lotus for “The Talk: Sex Ed 2.0: A Workshop for Parents”.
The Talk Workshop is for ALL elementary parents, not just 5th grade. Everyone is welcome! The workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 18th from 6:30-8:00 p.m in the MMR. The Talk itself is 50-60 mins, with 30 mins for Q&A at the end. Babysitting will be available. Reserve your babysitting spot here by 3/13/25 or until all spots are filled. More information about Rachel can be found on her website. Please join us for this very informative session!
Book Market Update
The book market is officially taking donations again! We are taking all books except picture books. We are especially in need of chapter books (all levels), graphic novels, and non-fiction (specifically I Survived series and Who Would Win series). As a reminder, we only accept books in great condition, and we do not accept board books, religious books, or workbooks. Please bring book donations to the MMR and leave the bag by the bins on the stage. Thank you, and happy reading!
Fifth Grade Updates!
5th Grade Events
Here's the lineup of events specifically for our 5th graders:
5th Grade Graduation - June 20th 2025 in the MMR
5th Grade Class Trip - Wagon Road (ropes course and outdoor fun event in Chappaqua) - June 4th, 2025
5th Grade Ball Room Recital (concluding event for PTA funded 5th Grade Ball Room Dance Enrichment) TBD May 2025
5th Grade Picnic TBD June 2025
5th Grade Students vs. Faculty Kick Ball Competition June 18th, 2025
Overnight Aquarium Trip (optional for families) March 8th, 2025
5th Grade Spring Bash May 1st, 2025
All of these events (unlike the aquarium) - are covered by our 5th grade dues.