The Spring 2025 enrichment club catalog is now available. Registration for spring session extended day and enrichment clubs opens Friday, March 7th at 10:00am and closes on Friday, March 14th at 10:00pm.

Details on Spring Session Pricing Bundles 
You spoke and we listened! Families have asked us to offer 1st session extended day add-ons before 2nd clubs. This spring we’re offering a special discount for families who enroll for 2nd Session Clubs with an Extended Day Add-On before the club to cover your child from 2:30pm - 4:45pm. This is a great value especially because these clubs tend to be smaller and there is more hands-on guidance from the instructor. Note this is a package and only applicable when enrolling for a club and extended day on the same day in Spring 2025.

  • Take a 2nd session club and receive a 45% discount on same-day Extended Day enrollment. (See details under Enrichment Club Pricing below)

  • Take back-to-back clubs on the same day and receive a $50 discount on the 2nd club.

If you would like to change your child’s spring session After School schedule, please use the appropriate change form found on the After School Forms webpage.


See below for all club dates for the 2024-2025 school year.

Enrichment club pricing

The After School runs 2 consecutive sessions each day. Children are welcome to attend extended day or enrichment clubs during session 1, session 2, or both. On days your child is enrolled in a club, you can purchase extended day add-ons to provide coverage before or after club sessions.

Most first session clubs are priced around $40 per week (they range from $38 - $45 dollars per week depending on the vendor fee and materials cost) and provide 2 hours of quality child care coverage. The base price of each club is then multiplied by the number of weeks in a session. For example, in the fall 2024 session, Monday clubs will meet for 12 weeks. This means, Monday clubs fees are the base rate x 12 weeks. Wednesday clubs will meet for 14 weeks. Therefore Wednesday club fees are the base rate x 14 weeks. This is why Wednesday clubs appear more expensive than Monday clubs.

The first session enrichment club fee covers 2 hours of coverage for your child including 45 minutes of care provided by our extended day staff and 1 hour and 15 minutes of club time provided by the club instructor.

2:30pm After school children are dismissed by classroom teachers
2:30 - 3:15pm Extended day staff provide snack, bathroom break, supervised socializing time with peers
3:15 - 4:30pm Enrichment club

If your child is in a first session club, and you would like coverage until 6pm, you can purchase an After Club Add On option when registering in Amilia. This option will pop up once you put a club in your cart. Following the club, from 4:30 - 6:00pm, your child will join our extended day program. They will have an opportunity for a second snack, and participate in supervised free play with their peers. 2nd - 5th graders may also choose to do homework during this time.

If your child is enrolled in a second session club that begins at 4:45pm and you would like coverage from 2:30pm until 4:45pm, you can purchase a Before Club Add On option when registering in Amilia. This option will pop up once you put a club in your cart. Your child will join After School upon school dismissal at 2:30pm, have snack and recess, then participate in their grade level homework hall until 4:30pm. They will then transition to have a snack and wait for their 4:45pm club to begin.

The fee for an Extended Day Add Ons Before or After clubs is $20 per week. For example, if Thursday clubs run for 10 weeks, then the Thursdays After Club Add On or Before Club Add On is $20 x 10 weeks = $200 (in addition to the club fee.)

You can also sign up for back-to-back clubs on the same day and receive a $50 discount on the second club.


Families must register children for extended day and enrichment for each session (fall, winter, and spring.) After registration closes, your child’s extended day registration for that session carries over from month-to-month for the session. Extended day runs for an entire session (fall, winter, spring) unless you request a change. Extended Day services are billed monthly. If you need to increase, decrease, or change the days your child joins us for Extended Day, you may do so at the beginning of any month as long as there is space available to accommodate your needs. All extended day change requests received after general registration closes will incur a $25 change fee PER REQUEST and must be made via the PS 154 After School Extended Day Change Form. Extended Day change requests may take up to 2 weeks to process and do not take effect until you have received a confirmation email from the PS 154 Staff. You must re-register your child for Extended Day for each session.


You can access registration for each session via your Amilia SmartRec account. Once your registration is complete, you may request to drop or change clubs using the PS 154 After School Club Drop Form. Forms received after registration closes will incur a change fee according to the following schedule:

  • 0% of the club tuition will be forfeited for drop requests received between the start of general registration and the end of general registration.

  • 25% of the club tuition will be forfeited for drop requests received between the end of general registration and the first day of club session.

  • 50% of the club tuition will be forfeited for drop requests received between during the first week of clubs.

  • 75% of the club tuition will be forfeited for drop requests received during the second week of clubs.

  • 100% of the club tuition will be forfeited for drop requests received from the third week of clubs onward.

No changes are complete until you receive a confirmation email from the PS 154 After School Staff. Thank you for your patience as we process requests in the order they are received.

Questions or concerns? Please email Barbara McGouran at


Enrichment Clubs run in three sessions: Fall, Winter, & Spring. We offer a variety of classes in sports, arts, S.T.E.M., chess, and more taught by parents, After School instructors, school day teachers, and education vendors.


After School clubs: 
Mondays - Fridays
Session 1 is from 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm
Session 2 is from 4;45pm - 6:00 pm


2:30 pm Transition from school day to after school. K- 1 picked up by After School staff from classrooms.
2:30-3:15 pm Hand washing, snack, bathroom break, and time to reconnect with friends and classmates.
3:15 - 4:30 pm Session 1 clubs meet / homework help for extended day.
4:30 pm Club dismissal NOTE: some clubs end later than 4:30 pm as noted in the club catalog. Club-only kids are dismissed to parents or care providers in front of the school. Please look for club signs along the fence.
4:30 - 4:45 pm Transition and snack period.
4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Session 2 clubs meet / indoor & outdoor recess for extended day children.


  • Registration happens 3 times per year, a couple of weeks before each session begins.

  • You may register via your Amilia account. Families who need assistance registering please contact Barbara at

  • Placement in clubs is generally first come, first serve; however, the After School Directors reserve the right to approve the registration or offer priority registration.


  • Payment is due at the time of registration.

  • Bills are payable online by debit or credit card (sorry, no AmEx). You can also pay with a check made payable to: PTA of PS 154 Brooklyn. Please include the words “After School” as well as your child’s full name in the check memo.

  • If payment is more than 7 days late, your child may not be allowed to attend until your balance is paid. If you have an outstanding balance of $300 (or higher) more than 30 days overdue, your account will be blocked from registering for clubs. Please pay down the balance via your Amilia account or email to set up a payment plan.

  • Please contact with any questions regarding credit card payment policies.


Dismissal is in front of the school gates on 11th Avenue. All students must be signed out by their parent or an adult authorized by their parent. If someone not authorized by a parent attempts to pick up a student, the student will not be released to that person until authorization has been obtained.

If you are 15 minutes late to pick up your child from an enrichment club, your child will be waiting for you in the After School office or MMR. Your account will be charged an After-Club Drop-In fee when you are late to pick up your child(ren). Please do not give cash directly to the staff members.

Enrichment Club make up time

Enrichment Clubs will not have scheduled make up time. We will do our best to find a sub in the event the instructor is not able to teach on a particular day. If we are not able to find a sub we will issue a prorated credit towards future programming or issue a prorated refund. If there are future closures mandated by city and state officials, all in person clubs will migrate to an online platform such as Zoom.