Important Dates
November 11 - School Closed for Veteran’s Day
November 12 - SLT Meeting, 4:00pm
November 13 - PTA Executive Board Mtg, 8:00am
November 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences - ½ Day: 11:30am Dismissal
(please send in afternoon or evening time preferences asap)
November 18 - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm
November 20 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9:00am (FULL)
November 24 - Sustainability Committee, Park Clean Up
November 26 - PTA Middle School Parent Panel
November 28 & 29 - School is Closed for Thanksgiving
December 2 - Middle School Applications Due
December 3 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9:00am (Contact
December 4 - School Picture Retake Day (sign up here)
December 4 - SEL Parenting Book Club, 6:30pm (details below)
December 6 - Family Friday, 8:35am - 9:15am
December 7 - Winter Fair (details below)
Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.
Nominations Are Now Open
Nominations for the 2020 Big Apple Awards are open! Please complete your nominations by Monday, December 2, 2019.
This year you can recognize and:
Nominate outstanding teachers who:
Inspire students
Model great teaching
Enrich their school communities
Nominate outstanding counselors who:
Have made significant strides in advancing post-secondary readiness
Provided exemplary college and career supports and services at their school
Demonstrated success on critical post-secondary metrics
Parenting Book Club, hosted by SEL Committee
Wednesday, December 4, 6:30-8:00PM, FREE
This book club will serve as a safe, supportive discussion space for parents to learn new parenting philosophies and tools, and to share their parenting challenges and successes within the context of a chosen book. Participants will share a common desire to learn and possibly practice new ways to improve their relationships with their children. The books chosen will be aligned with the mission of the PS 154 SEL Committee: to support the social and emotional learning of our children and of those who teach and care for them.
Book: “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,” Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish. Join us as we discuss one of the most helpful parenting books of all time.
Click here to learn how to buy the book with a discount from Terrace Books.
Featuring our legendary silent auction, crafts, and student performances, Winter Fair is a must-do for all PS 154 families. NO ENTRY FEE — $1 tickets for crafts and food at the event.