Important Dates
November 5 - Election Day - No School for Students
November 11 - School Closed for Veteran’s Day
November 12 - SLT Meeting, 4:00pm
November 13 - PTA Executive Board Mtg, 8:00am
November 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences - ½ Day: 11:30am Dismissal
(see below for more info)
November 18 - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm
November 20 - School Tour for 2020 Families, 9:00am (Contact
November 24 - Sustainability Committee, Park Clean Up
November 26 - PTA Middle School Parent Panel
November 28 & 29 - School is Closed for Thanksgiving
Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.
NO dogs in the schoolyard (no matter how sweet they are).
Parent Teacher Conferences - November 14
Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, November 13, 2019, for children in grades 1-5. Progress reports for children in kindergarten will be given out on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. Please review the report card or progress report and discuss it with your child. Below are the times that Parent-Teacher Conferences have been scheduled for the fall term. Please note that afternoon and evening conferences will be held on one day, Thursday, November 14, 2019.* We encourage all parents to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss any academic concerns you may have. Please note the date and times on your calendar and plan to attend.
Afternoon: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Evening: 4:30pm - 7:30 pm
Due to the afternoon conferences, children in grades K through 5 will have a half-day of school on Thursday, November 14, 2019. Dismissal will be at 11:30 am. Lunch will be served.
Letters will go home in backpacks on Monday and you will be able to indicate if you need an afternoon or evening appointment. Your teacher will send home your scheduled time once you return the tear-off sheet from the letter.
*Fifth grade teachers will send out a separate form with different times.
Supporting Immigrant Families
The Department of Education (DOE) and the Mayor’s Office are committed to protecting the right of every student to attend public school, regardless of immigration status, national origin, or religion. The United States Supreme Court has also recognized the importance of public education for all students, including undocumented students.
Check the DOE website for more information: Know Your Rights
Parenting Book Club, hosted by SEL Committee
Wednesday, December 4, 6:30-8:00PM, FREE
This book club will serve as a safe, supportive discussion space for parents to learn new parenting philosophies and tools, and to share their parenting challenges and successes within the context of a chosen book. Participants will share a common desire to learn and possibly practice new ways to improve their relationships with their children. The books chosen will be aligned with the mission of the PS 154 SEL Committee: to support the social and emotional learning of our children and of those who teach and care for them.
Book: “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,” Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish. Join us as we discuss one of the most helpful parenting books of all time.
Click here to learn how to buy the book with a discount from Terrace Books.
Community Safety Info
Important Safety Updates
Our local NYPD precinct has alerted us about two safety issues to be aware of.
There has been in increase in thefts of iPhone wireless ear buds.
2 to 3 males.
Approximate age in their mid-teens.
In most cases, at least one perpetrator is using a scooter.
Recently, some middle school girls have reported that an individual is exposing himself as the students walk from their local schools.
Community Events
Please see the letter from District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop (linked here) on the SubDistrict 3 Elementary School Rezoning and plans to engage the community further. While this does not apply to PS 154, it is good information to have. Zoning conversations will continue on November 19 at the CEC15 Meeting. Please save the date.
Free Musical Concerts for 10 and Under every Saturday in Industry City.
Find out more here: Rock & Roll
Monday, Nov 4, 5:00-8:00PM
Join Chase for an opportunity to network with — and learn from — other women in business. This event will feature a panel conversation of notable women leaders, who will discuss the successes and challenges they’ve faced over the course of building their careers and growing their businesses.
Following the panel discussion, stick around for a networking reception and an opportunity to receive 1:1 business consultations from The Acceleration Project. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Free; registration required.
Tuesday, Nov 5 (early voting: Oct 26-Nov 3)
Election Day in New York City is November 5, and all registered voters in the city are eligible to participate. For the first time, voters can participate in early voting from October 26–November 3, at select polling sites. More information, including a guide to what is on the ballot, is available at (A letter went home in backpacks too.)
Please see the attached flyers from the Citywide Council on Special Education. If you have a child with an IEP, or are interested in Special Education, consider finding time to attend these meetings. They are very informative and educational.