Student Action Team

Our Student Action Team consists of a group of 4th and 5th grade students who have volunteered their time to take action to improve the school and the community. The Student Action Team (SAT) meets once a month during lunch. There are also weekly meetings lunch meetings for SAT sub-committees. These four sub-committees are Equity, Sustainability, Peer Mediation and Service. Here are a few of the things that the committees have been involved with.

The Equity Committee has been discussing the differences between Equity and Equality. We have been looking into ways that the school can ensure representation in the curriculum. Students on the Equity Team have been performing a classroom library audit through an equity lens. We are excited to discuss our first case study this week and we look forward to working with a facilitator with NYU. 

The Sustainability Committee has been hard at work helping to recycle and compost during 6th period lunch. We have had between 4 and 5 students volunteering at a time. In addition, students are rating classrooms once a week based on their recycling targets. We plan to perform a waste audit as soon as the weather gets better. We were proud of the members of the team from Mrs. Milledge's class who presented to the younger grades during their Friday assembly. 

The Service Committee will be supporting the Pennies for Patients fundraiser at our school. The committee will also finalize another project to take on in March.

The Peer Mediation Committee was very active during Respect for All week. They assisted students in all grades who wanted to create Compliment Cards for friends and teachers. The school's Mental Health Liaison, Rebecca Chen Ma, met with the students in January. We are collaborating with her to design a comprehensive Peer Mediation program for our school.

Recently, the Student Action Team visited the United Nations for “World Wildlife Day” to hear presentations exploring the topic, “Sustainability of life.” Huge thank you to 154 parent, Karen Tingley for sharing this event with us and helping to get our students involved.

From the leadership Team