We spoke about some of the efforts to calm traffic on 11th Ave (in front of PS 154) at the last PTA meeting. Here is some more info for you all...


Wed, Nov 30 @ 6:30pm – MMR

Babysitting by After School staff + Pizza for $5 per child.
Please join us to discuss the latest developments in our traffic calming efforts.  Bring your ideas and questions. We can make this happen - let's keep our kids safe! 

Read more about out efforts here...

Traffic Calming on 11th Ave Project Progress

Thank you to all the parents who signed our petition for Traffic Calming on 11th Ave. You are making a HUGE difference and we are now at 372! (online and written combined)

GREAT NEWS — The DOT had a survey car in front of the school this morning and the DOT commissioner is talking with Eric — so it's really working, but we have to keep going! Please share our online petition with family and friends.

A special thanks to parents Erin, Gretchen, Nicole and Kent as well as our AMAZING crossing guards for getting so many to sign.

Call Brad Lander's office and ask them to help us! 718-499-1090

Call the DOT and ask them to calm traffic in front of PS154 on 11th Ave (between Windsor and Sherman). 646-892-1350