Weekly Newsletter


Welcome back to our weekly newsletter!

This newsletter contains information from our school and our PTA that we share weekly. Of course, there may be individual items and notices we need to send out at other times during the week, but most of our communications will be in one place at one time. If you miss it, or need to refer back to it, please click the News link on our website.

Important Dates

August 18 - PS 154 Virtual Community Meeting, 8:30am & 5:30pm (more information coming soon)

August 27 - Citywide Virtual Family & Student Info Session, 6:30pm (link below)

September 10 - Tentative First Day of School


From Principal Foreman and NYC DOE

Latest Message from Mr. Foreman

Family Update - 7/29/20

Latest Message from the Chancellor

Messages for Families

City Wide Information Session

Regístrese ahora para una sesión de información para familias y estudiantes

Register Here: Family and Student Information Session

School-Wide Reminders

Don't Forget to Tell Us your Plans/ Cuéntanos tus planes:

Superintendent Skop has asked that we remind families that if you did not answer the survey requesting 100% remote learning for your child(ren), they will be considered as a blended instruction student. If you want remote learning, you must notify our principal,  Mr Foreman as soon as possible. Families will have the opportunity to choose remote learning at any time during the school year, but you must notify us to make that happen.

Envíe un correo electrónico al Sr. Foreman si opta por el aprendizaje solo remoto. 

Confirm Your Email Address/Confirme su dirección de correo electrónico:

Each summer we send out letters to your child(ren) from their teachers. We need to confirm your email address so that each child is connected to the right parent/guardian email address. Even if your email address hasn't changed, please complete this form as soon as possible. If you have questions, please email me at dwattenbarger@ps154.org.

Todos los veranos enviamos cartas de sus maestros a sus hijos. Necesitamos confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico de los padres para que cada niño esté conectado a la dirección de correo electrónico correcta del padre / tutor. Incluso si su dirección de correo electrónico no ha cambiado, complete este formulario lo antes posible. Si tiene preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico a dwattenbarger@ps154.org.

Click the link/Haga clic en el enlace: Summer Emails 2020


Community update meeting

Mr. Foreman will be holding another Community Update Meeting on Tuesday, August 18. During this meeting, he will be updating our school community on the most recent Blended Learning Model and possible schedule for the new school year.

The PTA will also be available for questions. Please consider joining our Exec Board for the upcoming school year. Parent involvement is more important now than ever before! We have seven Member at Large positions available and we love getting our incoming Kindergarten families on the board! Email us if you’re interested


Be on the look out for communication regarding our RACE BACK TO SCHOOL Virtual 5k Fundraiser over Labor Day weekend. 


We have seen an increasing interest in pod facilitation from our families. While the PTA and our school encourages parents and caretakers to lean on one another during these difficult times, we cannot take on the risk of placing families into pods or managing this outside of the school setting. However, if you are interested in connecting with other families to create a pod please feel free to use the spreadsheet created by an incoming Kindergarten family. You can enter in your information, and get in touch with other families to facilitate something that works best for you. 

Self Reporting Pod Spreadsheet


We know the school year will be starting off differently for all of us. Here are some ideas to celebrate the start of your kids’ school year under our changed circumstances.


Set up your home for remote learning.


Learn how to support your kids’ emotions about a different kind of back to school.


If your child is struggling, there are many great resources on Child Mind Institute.