Weekly Newsletter

Important Dates

January 13 - 17 - Food Drive (see below for more info)

January 14 - School Tour (FULL - contact dwattenbarger@ps154.org)

January 15 - School wide Pajama Day!

January 16 - PTA Mtg, 6:30pm

January 20 - School is closed for Martin Luther King, Jr Day

January 21 - 2nd - 5th Grade Armory Visit (Sign Up)

January 23 - Drumming Share for 3rd & 5th Grade (during their scheduled class time)

January 24 - Read-a-thon Ends

January 28 - Workshop: Recognizing & Managing Anxiety, 6:30pm

February 5 - World Read Aloud Day

February 7 - Family Friday, 8:35am

February 7 - Movie Night, 6:30pm

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.

Stay up to date with the efforts of our school’s leadership team. Click here for the latest information.


Monday, January 13 - Friday, January 17

In honor of Martin Luther King Day of Service, we’re working with the 234th Stuy Rangers of Brooklyn Scouts collecting food items to donate to St. John’s Bread and Love, a soup kitchen and food bank located in Bedford Stuyvesant. Food items will be collected in the MMR from Monday, January 13 through Friday, January 17. 

Brooklyn Scouts is an all inclusive, coed Scouting organization dedicated to teaching traditional scouting skills to Brooklyn youth and their families.

Below is a list of suggested food items, but anything boxed or canned that has a long shelf life is best (no expired food please):

Canned Vegetables or Soups
Canned Fruits (in juice or light syrup)
Dried Fruits
Beans - canned or dry
Peanut Butter
Canned Meat or Fish 
Canned Stews (chicken or beef)
Rice (white, brown, or flavored)
Boxed or canned Pasta/Noodles
Cold Cereal
Hot Cereal (grits, oatmeal, farina)
Dry Milk packets
Shelf stable milk
Soy/Almond/Rice milk
Nutritional Beverages (Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast)
Granola Bars


PS 154 School Spirit Day

PS 154 Shares and Cares Pajama Day

Wednesday, January 15

Please have your child come to school wearing their cozy pajamas. Let’s show we care and share by participating in our Pajama Drive. If you can, please send in brand new pajamas (for adults, young adults, and/or children ages 5 and younger) with tags and in the original packaging. There will be a collection box in each of the Kindergarten classrooms. We’ll be sending the pajamas to a local family shelter.

Save the date for the next school spirit day!  On Friday, February 14, we will wear RED/PINK to show how much we LOVE PS 154!

PTA Meeting

Thursday, January 16, 6:30-8:00PM

  • Mr. Foreman will discuss Read Write Inc., our Kindergarten and Academic Intervention Phonics program.

  • Mr. Wong will share what our students are learning in STEM.

  • PTA will provide updates on the READ-A-THON, Giving More 154, our 2019-20 budget, and our very exciting PS 154 Gala, set for April 2, 2020.

SEL Committee Presents
Recognizing and Managing Anxiety

Tuesday, January 28 6:30-8:00PM

FREE + babysitting (please RSVP here)

Come hear Kristin Reale, LCSW, parenting expert and experienced psychotherapist, talk about one of the most challenging and least understood aspects of parenting in this modern age: Anxiety in children. 

Alongside learning parenting techniques in empowerment and mentalization, empathy and communication, you’ll learn how to better understand the root causes of anxiety, new ways to think about what anxiety is trying to communicate and how to develop a better parenting approach to best help your child. 

A Brooklyn mother of two boys, and in private practice in Manhattan for 15+ years, Kristin treats children, adults and couples.  She specializes in attachment and trauma, depression and anxiety. Alongside her private practice, Kristin has taught in the Masters Program at New York University, lecturing on attachment and human development. She has also written and presented numerous professional papers at national psychoanalytic conferences.


April is Poetry Month at our school, with a focus on reading and writing poetry of all kinds in the classroom. The month culminates in a wonderful night of student readings of their own (and other poets') work. All students also publish a poem in a school-wide anthology, which is beautifully laid out and printed by parent volunteers. Here's how you can help between this February and April. You can pitch in on any or all of these jobs, depending on your schedule:

  • work with class parents to coordinate and gather poems from teachers, ensuring that we don't miss anyone.  This can be done in the evenings at your own pace, as long as deadlines are met.

  • help in June when the journal needs to go to the printer or is ready for distribution. This is usually more of a sprint to the finish line, a.k.a. the last day of school. 

  • Finally, help to publicize and staff the annual Poetry Night, when the students read their work, on April 29. Please email pta_info@ps154.org if you are able to lend a hand!