Please note, the most recent lunch bills went home in backpacks this week. Payments by check or cash must be received by 6/23/17. Or pay online here: MySchoolBucks
Frazzled by fractions and other math related problems? We are happy to tell you that help is on way! As a part of PS 154’s Algebra for All grant, the school purchased copies of It’s Elementary: A Parent’s Guide to K-5 Mathematics for every K-4 family. Look out for your family copy of the book coming home in backpacks soon.
June 19 - 4th Grade Hip-Hop Share, 9am
June 19 - Community Board 7 Meeting at PS 154 6:30pm details
June 20 - 5th Grade Graduation (Bishop Ford)
June 21 - New Kindergarten Parent Orientation, 9am in the MMR
June 21 - 5th Grade v. Staff Kickball Game Rescheduled, 9am in the School Yard
June 22 - K-101 & K-201 Stepping Up, 9am (MMR)
June 23 - K-110 & K-210 Stepping Up, 9am (MMR)
June 23 - 5th Grade Class Picnic
June 26 - Eid al Fitr - NO SCHOOL
June 26 - PS 154 at the Cyclones, 6pm
June 27 - Please check Lost & Found before you leave for summer!
June 28 - Last Day of School, 11:30am Dismissal
MON, JUNE 19 @ 6:30PM IN THE PS 154 MMR
Our Community Board 7 will meet at PS 154 THIS COMING MONDAY for a presentation by the DOT on the proposed bike lanes for 10th & 11th Aves. Are you a PS154 family that lives on 11th or 10th Ave? Please contact Anne Lanier ASAP at
Following the presentation and comments from the public, the committee will vote to approve the bike lanes – which will then go to a vote by the full committee 2 days later on Wednesday, June 21st.
Last fall, more than 500 of you signed a petition to encourage the DOT to enact traffic calming measures. This bike lane proposal is a direct result of activism by our school community for the safety of our children. However, the bike lane still requires a vote from our local community board. If you happen to live on 10th Ave or 11th Ave, your voice will be particularly important to the committee.
As bike lanes remain unpopular with some people in our district, we expect to hear strong opposition. But there is good news for all! Here's what the bike lanes will bring to Windsor Terrace:
1. We will not lose a single parking space on either avenue. In fact we will gain up to 19 spaces as the DOT will add parking on the bridge.
2. Bike lanes will narrow the avenues, which will reduce speeding and accidents.
3. Bike lanes will improve safety and accessibility for all bikers, big and small.
4. The project implementation is quick and painless to the community.
5. This project has the full support of both Council Member Brad Lander and Assembly Member Robert Carroll.
We hope to see you on the 19th! Questions or ideas? Please contact Anne Lanier
Shopping for camp? Don't forget your Mabel's Labels. These personalized, dishwasher- and washer/dryer-safe labels will keep your kid's clothes, containers, backpack, and lunchbox from going missing. And, if you click "Support a Fundraiser" on the top right corner of the page and select PS 154 Brooklyn, they'll donate 20% of the sale to our school!
Unfortunately, due to conflicting schedules, we have to cancel the 6/22 full-group meeting. However, Committee Chairperson Nicole Cartagna will send out an all-school mailing summarizing what the committee has been up to soon! Please reach out to Nicole Cartagna at if you’d like to get more involved.