Nov 17 - TONIGHT! Pajama Movie Night: The Nut Job 2, 6:15 pm in the MMR
Nov 20 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm in the MMR
Nov 23 & 24 - SCHOOL CLOSED for Thanksgiving
Nov 28 - 2nd-5th Grade Armory Visit - Sign Up
Nov 29 - Tour for Prospective Parents, 9:30 am, RSVP
Dec 2 - Winter Fair, noon-4pm
Dec 5-8 - Book Fair
Dec 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 11:30 am dismissal
Look ahead to all events on our school calendar here.
Thanks PS 154 parent Nick Chang for setting us up with this fundraiser where YOU get 15% off at Modell’s and PS 154 gets 5% back on every purchase you make! Please check your child’s backpack for the paper coupon. Or show this digital coupon on your phone at checkout. Extra coupons for friends and family can be picked up in the main office.
Check out the MANY ways you can help PS 154 during this holiday shopping season.
MON, NOV 20, 6:30 pm at PS 154
Get an update from Principal Buckley about Responsive Classroom Training and other school news, and get an update from Community Board 7 chairperson Jeremy Laufer about what’s going on in our community. Bring your concerns or ideas about our neighborhood! Also, VOTE on adding the Diversity Committee mission statement to our PS 154 PTA Bylaws.
SAT, DEC 2, NOON-4 PM at PS 154
PS 154's annual Winter Fair is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we hope to see you there. For right now… we need YOUR HELP!
Volunteer! We still have 52 slots to fill—please pitch in at this community event.
Donate food! Casseroles are great, sweet treats are terrific.
Plus, the Teacher & Staff Experiences Raffle — where kids can enter to win an experience with their favorite teacher or staff member — is now open with online pre sales for your convenience.
DEC 5-8 at PS 154
Please make plans to visit our Book Fair. All classes will have an opportunity to shop during school. We will also be open during Parent Teacher Conferences on Dec 7 with an additional adult selection. Books start at $5 and go up from there. 35% of the proceeds will go to the PTA! Thank you Fork + Pencil! We will also have used books for $1. Parents and family, please sign up to help.
Also, save your USED BOOKS! We'd love to sell any gently used elementary age appropriate books at the fair and will be accepting them Mon, Nov 27 through Fri, Dec 1 in the MMR.
This campaign aims to share all the incredible PTA funded programs that our children benefit from with your family. We do this by collecting names of grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles and special friends to whom we make a one-time annual fund appeal. Please give us contact information!
Sunday, December 10, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Park Slope Armory YMCA, 361 15th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
CITY OF SCIENCE is Back! Once again, please join the World Science Festival and Con Edison to explore this FREE buzzing metropolis of larger-than-life interactive installations and hands-on activities. CITY OF SCIENCE is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the power of STEM through exposure to hands-on science that sticks with kids. Check out the FLYER.