News & Reminders

Friday, November 11th

Veteran’s Day – School is Closed

Monday, November 14th 

Community Board 7 Meeting, 6:30pm, MMR

>Discussing traffic safety in our area 

Tuesday, November 15th   

PTA Executive Board Meeting,  8am

Friday, November 18th

Fall Harvest in the School Yard, 2:40pm

Movie Night, 6:15pm



Looking ahead:

·         11/21:  PTA Meeting, 6:30pm

·         11/22:  2nd – 5th grade Armory visit

·         11/24 & 11/25: Thanksgiving Break-Schools Closed


Keep up to date: CalendarCheck out PTA events on their Facebook page here: PTA

Keep up to date: Calendar

Check out PTA events on their Facebook page here: PTA