Congratulations Class 2024!

Thank you to our incredible team who took on critical roles to ensure a special year for our children: Parent Leads Chino, Stacy, Takesha, Claudia K., Felicia, Sarah T.; Teacher Leads Greller, Fought, Kocsis, Ramsey, Ritchie; Class Parents Geina, Kinda, Lenni, Melissa; and School Admin Leila, Tanica, Guzzi, Kelly, Tina, Michael. It truly takes a village, and with each parent's support, we did it!

Click here to listen to the JOY of success


Middle School dates:

Middle School Offers Are Released: April 3




  • Sign-up Opens for the Aquarium Overnight Trip - on February 5th.

  • Puberty Workshops (Students) - Sessions start February 28th and continue for six weeks, view Remind for more details 


  • Tuesday, March 12th - Tech Safety Parent Workshop

  • Saturday/Sunday, March 23/24th - Aquarium Overnight Trip -

  • Monday, March 25th - Deadline to submit photos to the Yearbook Team

  • Monday, March 25th - The Talk Parent Workshop


  • Wednesday, April 3rd - Middle School Offers Released

  • Tuesday, April 9th  - Class Photo Day 


  • Friday, May 17th -Field Day - 5th Grade;

    Students should wear their class of 2024 shirt or the classic PS154 raccoon shirt.

    9:15-11:00: Field Day Activities - Parent Volunteers needed for morning activities - sign-up sheet forthcoming.

    12:00-1:30: Picnic - All families are invited to join the classes in the park at the Peninsula in Prospect Park for the picnic!

  • Tuesday, May 28th - Wagon Road Senior Trip - 5th Grade Parents are invited to join as chaperones. Parent chaperones will be assigned to a group of students and will be expected to support the Wagon Road camp leaders. Look out for a sign-up sheet and payment information after spring break from our teachers. Students & Chaperones arrive at PS 154 at 7:20, as the bus will depart at 7:30. Students will return to PS 154 at approximately 7:30 PM. Please view Remind & Email for ETA updates

  • Friday, May 31st - 5th Grade Student vs. Teacher Game (9:15AM) - 5th Grade Student vs Staff Kick Ball Volunteer Sign-Up Families of 5th graders are welcome to view the game from the school gates. K-4th-grade students will be in the schoolyard to view the game. 


  • Saturday June 1st - 5th Grade Bash - 5PM-8PM, PS154 School Yard & Cafeteria. Exclusively for our 5th graders, this 70’s themed event will include music, food, activities and a celebratory atmosphere to mark the end of their time at PS154. View the events page: 5th Grade Bash

  • Friday, June 14th - Greenwood Trip - View emails/Remind from Ms. Fought for details

  • Thursday, June 20th - Annual 5th Grade Ballroom Recital - Families join us for the cheer squad; bring blankets and lawn/beach chairs.

  • Friday, June 21st - 5th Grade Gift Day

    • On Gift Day, our 5th graders will receive their graduation caps, gowns, stoles, and yearbooks. The fun doesn't stop there—students can start signing each other's yearbooks on this special day.

  • Monday, June 24th - 5th Grade Graduation (AM),

  • Tuesday, June 25th—5th Grade Picnic - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    • Location: Prospect Park - Grassy area by the ballfields (near the 10th Ave entrance, across the loop from the sledding hill)

      Families: Join us for a fun and casual 5th-grade picnic to celebrate the end of the school year! Feel free to bring along any extra snacks, drinks, or activities for the kids (think frisbees, hula hoops, soccer balls)

      Students: Here's what you need to know:

      Student Attire: Students should wear their class t-shirts.

      Students Bring:

      • Yearbooks for signing (If you missed getting signatures on gift day, bring your yearbook!)

      • Their favorite Sharpie or fabric markers to sign shirts

      • Blankets to sit on

      • Optional - Sporty equipment (e.g., frisbees, soccer balls)

  • Wednesday, June 26th - Last day of school - 5th Grade Parade

    We celebrate our 5th graders' last day at PS154 with a special parade send-off! Near the end of the school day, all students and staff will gather in the hallways to cheer on our 5th-grade students as they walk through the building. This tradition is a beautiful way to honor their hard work and achievements as they move on to middle school!

Keep an eye out for updates on the upcoming 5th-grade events and activities! 

If you are interested in serving on the Fifth Grade Committee this year.

Reach out to Committee Chair Chino Okonkwo