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Parent Soiree


Mark your calendars and hire your babysitters for Wednesday, JUNE 14! Join us and other PS154 parents from 7-10pm at Park Slope Jewish Center (8th Ave and 14th St) for a convivial outdoor evening of food, drinks, and live jazz.

Bonus — you can both have fun and help fund enrichment programs for next year! You like chess, music, and other programs like that? Then come celebrate with us; buying tickets to the soirée helps us help our kids! If you can, be a sponsor! You can purchase tickets as a silver, gold. or platinum sponsor, which helps us reach our goals and gives you recognition you deserve (as well a gift of appreciation).

You can buy tickets and become a sponsor here!

So more details to come, but save the date — you deserve a night out without your kids to socialize with other parents and. . .probably talk about your kids. It’ll be a memorable evening under the lights and night sky.

Here’s your fancy invitation, where you can RSVP.

**Thank you to OUR SPONSORs**

Anthony Matthews of Compass


  • Marcus Family


  • Beshir/Stawicki Family

  • Seidman Family

  • Larkin Family

  • Swedowsky Family

  • May / Brady Family

  • Mitch Family

  • Stenerson Famiy

Earlier Event: June 14
Grade 2 Field Day and Picnic
Later Event: June 16
Kindergarten Stepping-Up